

The Enforcers Program is weekly mini-series for parents & guardians of children attending children church at ZionKidz. The aim is to involved them in reinforcing the lessons taught at ZionKidz throughout the week. Each mini-series will contain the following segments:

1. Introduction to Enforcers Program: Aims & Objectives

2. Overview of the Lesson Taught

3. Memory Verse with Actions

4. One Practical Tip in Applying the Lesson

The ball is now in your court parents. Become an Enforcer and lead the way!


18 July 2010-Secret Agent 2911 Week4


11 July 2010-Secret Agent 2911 Week3


4 July 2010-Secret Agent 2911 Week2


27 June 2010-Secret Agent 2911 Week1


13th June 2010 – W.W.J.D. Week 4

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"To invest in children, to raise up a GENERATION who loves God"

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